Naujais metais yra naujos praktikos galimybės! Šiuo metu GWP ieško naujos kartos praktikantų. Paraiškos yra atviros visiems, atitinkantiems reikalavimus nepriklausomai nuo gyvenamosios vietos. Galutinis paraiškos pateikimo terminas yra 2023 m. vasario 3 d. Pavasario stažuotė prasidės 2023 m. kovo 6 d. ir vyks tiek tiesiogiai paskirtoje vietoje, tiek virtualiai.
Informaciją apie praktikos vietas ir nuorodas į paraiškų teikimo puslapius rasite žemiau anglų kalba:
Available positions for the 2023 Spring Internship:
Learning and Knowledge Management
The selected candidate will support the GWP’s Knowledge and Learning agenda and activities. This will include working on the GWP ToolBox: IWRM Action Hub - an online platform with more than 85 tools on integrated water resources management and live communities. The candidate will also contribute to developing a series of publications on multi-stakeholder partnerships for good water governance. The Knowledge Management intern will work under the supervision of the IWRM and Knowledge Management Specialist and work closely with Senior Learning Specialist and other members of the MELK team.
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Innovation in Water Management
The selected candidate will provide support in research, thought leadership and stakeholder engagement with partner organizations and donors in the operationalization of GWP’s innovation agenda, focusing on water security and net zero. The innovation agenda has taken the shape of six “laser beams” focusing on particular areas of potential high impact for GWP, and the intern’s time should be spent both on advancing the broader innovation agenda and on operationalizing the individual laser beams.
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Water Solutions for the SDGs
This internship offers an excellent opportunity for students interested in sustainable development and water governance to gain exposure to the operations of a network organization that extends from the global level to regional and national levels. The selected intern will be part of the Water Solutions for the SDGs team in the Network Operations Unit and assist the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme in its knowledge sharing, promotional and investment attracting activities.
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