2023 m. birželio 9-10 d. VU Geomokslų instituto Hidrologijos ir klimatologijos katedros doktorantas Yahor Levachou lankėsi Europos Parlamente renginyje vandens problemoms aptarti. Yahor atsiliepimas apie renginį:
„On June 9 and 10, the European Youth Event (EYE) took place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. This fifth edition of the EYE brought together 10,000 young people from all over Europe, and offered both face-to-face and hybrid activities.
I am proud to have been involved in promoting water-related issues at the heart of the debate and priorities on the European agenda.
We organized a serious game entitled “Water Connects – Overcoming conflict through cooperation”. The activity, which took the form of a simulation, enabled participants to put themselves in the shoes of decision-makers from different watersheds who had to make decisions about water use. The difficulty of the exercise lay in the choices to be made when faced with one’s neighbors: is it more interesting to cooperate or to focus on one’s own interests in order to guarantee access to the resource? What are the economic, environmental and diplomatic costs of each of these decisions?
Rich in reflections and leading to negotiations, this workshop was an opportunity for us to strengthen their understanding of transboundary water management. The event was organized in cooperation with the European Youth Parliament for Water (EYPW) and International Secretariat for Water, Solidarity Water Europe.”