In 2005, April 28th a meeting was held with representatives from schools that agreed to attend the seminar. Representatives from three different schools, and weekly magazine “Dialogas” (“Dialogue”) editor attended said meeting. During the meeting attendees were introduced to the project and had a chance to discuss its activities. Representatives from schools and “Dialogas” magazine offered their input, opinions, and suggestions towards the activities of the project.
Introduction seminars in the attending schools began at 2005 fall. During every meeting a report called “Ilga lietaus kelionė” (“Long path of the rain”) was read, telling a story of water, its lack and overflow, and a need to protect it; a new project with its activities and results introduced. All that followed by a movie made during the project, called “Vanduo ateičiai” (“Water for the future”); fliers about water were distributed. First seminar was held in Šalčininkai district, Kalesninkai high-school, on October 24th. 100 students and teachers attended the event. Another seminar was held in Klampučiai primary-school, and was attended by 80 senior students and parents of students, later another 20 younger students joined in for the movie. Next seminar was held in Alvitas primary-school, with a 100 of various students and their teachers attending. Three more seminars were held in November: 16th in Šalčininkai region Tabariškiai primary-school, with 26 various students and teachers attending; 22nd in Visaginas “Verdenė” high-school, with 200 students from classes between grades eight to ten attending; 24th in Didžiasalis “Rytas” high-school, with another 200 students attending from classes between grades four and eight. Two more schools held seminars in December: 7th in Akmenė, Agluonai primary-school, with 22 students and teachers attending, and on the 8th the cycle of seminars was ended at Skuodas region, Ylakiai high-school. This school had a 100 senior students attend the seminar. Thus seminars were attended by 850 students.
Below some pictures from said seminars.
In Agluonai school:
In Alvito school
In Didziasalio school
In Ylakiu school
In Kalesninku school
In Klampuciu school
In Tabariskiu school
In Visagino school