GWP PhD student placement opportunities

GWP is a partner to a program called NEWAVE and as such will have the honour to co-supervise two PhD students, who as part of their research will also receive a placement in GWP for a couple of months.

In NEWAVE programe there are 13 positions available – all fully paid, and the two that are based in GWP:

      • The European Union as an Innovator in water governance paradigms: The case of sources, patterns and effects from the Water Framework Directive” (note: even though the topics sounds very EU specific, there might be an opportunity to shape the work more towards the influence of the Water Framework Directive towards non-EU countries) (with Free University of Amsterdam)
      • Assessing the sustainability of water governance systems in global comparison” (with University of Lueneburg/Prof Jens Newig))

The applications should be filled till 22 of May on the website: